Healing Through Movement, Touch, and Talk Modalities
patsy geena williams


Welcome to this simple website with information about me and services that I may share with you.

Since 1994, I have been a licensed massage therapist, originally training in California, and then learning a deeper therapy, Structural Integration, on Maui in 2000.  I have seen that this Structural Integration technique is continually effective in releasing knots in the body and increase healthy circulation.  As effective as the massage is, many people continue to have deeper pain stored in their bodies.

It is my belief that emotional pain shows up daily in so many of us through the pain in their bodies.  Physical relief of pain through basic massage therapy is generally effective AND ... exploring additional roots of the pain symptoms, such as Movement and/or Talk Therapy, can be effective in long term healing.

Holistic modalities I have trained in include various styles of yoga, emotional and spiritual counseling, and multiple bodywork techniques.  Please click on the "Services & Rates" page to learn more.

If you would like to discuss this process further, click on "Contact Me" and send me a message. I will get back to you to answer any questions you might have and perhaps set up a time to meet.

Many thanks for visiting this site. 

Aloha and Namaste, geena

                                                                      Let Us Enjoy Each Moment That Life Is Giving You!